Options for Marketing Video and Commercial Production

Marketing Video & Commercial Production Rates:


Marketing Video Production Charges:

Marketing Video Airing Charges:

(call in for local pricing /following based on 1.5 million local households)

5 Minutes @ $1,600   (Dedicated To Contractors & Suppliers)
5 Minutes - Local @ $1,250 / National @ $7,995
20 Minutes @ $5,500. (Dedicated To Builders)
20 Minutes - Local @ $2,500 / National @ $19,995

:30 TV Commercial Production Charges:

: 30 Second TV Commercial Airing Charges:

Local @ $1,200 / National @ $3,700

Local Affiliate Spot @ $125 / National Spot @ $1,500

(commercials include shooting & editing)
Supplied Video / Photos @ $370 (:15 Seconds)
Lower 1/3 Banner @ $550 (1 Minute)
For TV and Internet Advertising Prices Click:
Terms:  50% deposit / 50% on complexation

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  • Marketing Video

  • Featured Segment

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          Marketing Video
          Featured Segment
          TV Commercial